The Figure Plan


  • Start phase 1 on a weekend, when you can best control your food intake.
  • If you feel hungry, drink an additional Almased® shake or vegetable broth. You may drink up to 4 cups of vegetable broth each day.
  • Homemade vegetable broth is low in calories, curbs appetite and provides important antioxidants to help combat free radicals released in the bodywhen fat is burned.
  • It takes about 10 minutes for Almased® to curb your hunger.

Your 4 Phases for Fast Weight Loss Results

Starting Phase:3 Almased® Shakes Daily


Phase 1

You begin your Almased® Weight Loss Diet Plan with the Starting Phase, also known as the Fasting Phase, during which you will have three Almased®weight loss shakes per day, plus home-made vegetable broth or 100% vegetable juice (ideally low in sodium).

In addition, you should drink at least 64 oz of (preferably mineral-rich) water per day. You can stay on this phase from three up to fourteen days. It has been shown that a good initial weight loss at the beginning of a diet is the best prerequisite for fast weight loss results.

figure phase one

Reduction Phase: 2 Almased® Shakes, Plus 1 Meal Daily


Phase 2

This phase will lead to a healthy, steady weight reduction. You will have two Almased® weight loss shakes per day and one solid meal, preferably for lunch. If it is more convenient to have your meal for dinner, you can, but be mindful of your carbohydrates. Please limit snacks in between meals and consume fruit in moderation, either as part of your breakfast shake or your lunch meal. This phase can be extended until you reach your desired weight loss goal.

Stability Phase: 1 Almased® Shake, and 2 Meals Daily

Phase 3

This phase will help your body maintain its new weight long-term as you continue to lose weight at a slower pace in order to avoid the yo-yo effect. For several weeks, have two meals plus one Almased® weight loss shake (ideally for breakfast or dinner to see best results).

Life Phase: 3 Meals Daily and 1 Almased® Shake

Phase 4

Three delicious meals plus one Almased® shake (as part of your breakfast or dinner). Sustain the activity level of your metabolism after completing the three Almased® weight loss phases. You will feel more motivated to be physically active, approaching your daily tasks with renewed vitality.